Server redefined

Discover how our cutting-edge software can transform your operations and help you achieve unparalleled success.

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Keep up with the uptime of your websites, ports, and servers conveniently.


Keep an eye on your Cron jobs to make sure that they run smoothly.

DNS Monitors

Get notified when your domain DNS changes, track with ease.

Server monitors

Keep track of your resources (CPU, Disk, Ram...etc) on your Linux servers.

All Features

Discover everything
you can do with Shotcut Track

Explore our suite of features designed to streamline your operations, drive sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Status pages

Be transparent with your visitors and show display your monitors stats beautifully.

Alert Notification

Slack, Discord, Telegram, Microsoft Teams, Webhook notifications on incidents

Data Protection

Data power cell of our house. So, to keep it secure is our duty.

Share Data

Download and share your data in PDF and CSV format.


Get to know when & for how long your monitors became unavailable & get instant email notifications.

Custom HTTP requests & responses

Request method, request body, basic auth & custom request headers. Set & expect a certain response from your monitors.

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We're dedicated to providing user-friendly website analytics tracking software that empowers businesses to thrive.