How to connect your ClickFunnels website to Shotcut Track

Created on 25 January, 2024Add Shotcut Track • 1 minutes read

Shotcut Track is a powerful website analytics tool that helps businesses understand how visitors interact with their site. Features like session replays, heatmaps, and goal tracking empower users to optimize their online strategies for better performance.

Let's see How to install Shotcut Track on your website.

Step 1 Make an account on Shotcut Track.

Step 2 Go to the Add Sites page.

Step 3 Click on Install tracking code for the Site you want to track. Click on Add Website.

Step 4 Select the level of analytics you want and regarding configuration.

Step 5 Copy the pixel code.

Step 6 Login to ClickFunnels.

Step 7 Go to your funnel Settings and click on Head Tracking Code.

Step 8 Paste the Shotcut Pixel Code.

Step 9 Come again to Sites page click on the "</>" and click on the "Verify Installation" then click the "Verify" button.

Step 10 When you click the button a pop-up will open with an alert box message"The Pixel Code has been installed properly."

Your Shotcut Pixel Code will now be present on all pages of your funnel.

Specific pages of your funnel 

Step 1 Make an account on Shotcut Track.

Step 2 Go to the Add Sites page.

Step 3 Click on Install tracking code for the Site you want to track. Click on Add Website.

Step 4 Select the level of analytics you want and regarding configuration.

Step 5 Copy the pixel code.

Step 6 Login to ClickFunnels.

Step 7 Go to the Edit Page.

Step 8 Click on Settings and select Tracking Code.

Step 9 Paste the Shotcut Pixel Code.

Step 10 Come again to Sites page click on the "</>" and click on the "Verify Installation" then click the "Verify" button.

Step 11 When you click the button a pop-up will open with an alert box message"The Pixel Code has been installed properly."

Save your page or Update funnel settings.

Shotcut will then only be present on the specific page you installed the Tracking Code on.

*If you didn't see this message that means the website is not connected try again. Make sure that the code is put in the right place. If you need any help contact